Dantzler Design

Rube Goldberg Animation in AutoDesk Maya

The toy car goes down the ramp, knocking the domino, which falls onto the flipper that pops a balloon with a pin and knocks over a house of cards. That's an example of a Rube Goldberg machine. I created a 3D animation of my very own Rube Goldberg machine for this project using AutoDesk Maya. The animation includes two custom camera angles and a speedy chain reaction. See if your eyes can keep up. The video was produced in Adobe AfterEffects. This project took about 20 hours to complete.

Why do they call it a Rube Goldberg you may ask? Reuben Garret Lucius "Rube" Goldberg was an American cartoonist, author, sculptor and inventor famous over the first half of the twentieth century. He is best known for his series of poplar comics depicting complex gadgets completing simple tasks through indirect, convoluted ways. -A short history lesson courtesy of Wikipedia.

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ryan dantzler

Ryan Dantzler is an aspiring web developer whos looking to make an impact in his new career. He enjoys the outdoors, traveling and helping others.

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